Sunday, March 28, 2010

james and the giant peach by Roald Dahl

At this moment,the scene inside the peach itself was one of indescrible chaos.James Henry Trotter was lying bruised and battered on the floor of the room amongst a tangled massof Centipede and Earthworm and Spider and Ladybird and Glow Worm and Old Greeen Grasshopper.In the whole history in the world,no travellershad ever had a more terrible journey than these unfortunate creatures.It had started out well, with muchlaughing and shouting,and for the first few seconds,as the peach had begun to roll slowly forward,nobody had minded being tumbled about a little bit.And when it went BUMP!,and the Centipede had shouted,'That was Aunt Sponge!'and then BUMP!again,and 'That was Aunt Spiker!'there had been a tremendous burst of cheering all round.

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