Monday, April 12, 2010

The Greek who stole Christmas By:Anthony Horowitz

Tim was the worst private detective in England.I mean...he'd just spent two weeks working in a big department stall in the WestEnd.He was supposed to be looking out for shoplifters but I don't think he'd kept an eye on the ball.In fact,the ball was the first thing that got stolen.After that,things went from bad to worse.The stall had twenty-three departments when he started but only sixteen when he left.He was fired,of course.The dummies in the window probably had a higher IQ than Tim. He was lucky he had me.I sloved the crimes,Tim got the credit.That was how it worked.If you've read my other stories,you 'll know what I'm talking about.If you haven't,go out and buy the books.If you like,I'll even sell you a ten-quid book token.You can have it for nine-quid.

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